Desertskye Tamarisk Boteh-Jegheh


Whelped: 5-15-23

Pedigree of “Paisley” (Click for full pedigree)

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents
CH Carnis’ Hocus Pocus JC FCH
CH Shahanshah Touched By The Sun FC Celeres Firebrand of Aerie LCM SC
Cimmarron Paharia Royale
BIS MBISS GCHS Tamarisk Diwan Jovial Nairang e Skye TKN GCH Doubletimes Matrix Reloaded  BN JC CD Ch Miriah’s Harley Davidson
Doubletime’s Dot Matrix JC
GCH DC Tamarisk Cemal Desert Cerenade SC FCH Ch Z’Bee Buran SC
El Baz Oma Onur e Tamarisk